Saturday, September 1, 2012

Success stories

This is Jason. Plexus works great for men too

47lbs and over 30 inches to date

I wish I had started this blog when I first started my health and weight loss journey...To date I have lost 47 pounds and over 30 inches all over my body. I wish I could say that I worked really hard to achieve this but I didn't work hard at all. Plexus Slim gave me the will power and control that I needed over food! No more binge eating and when I'm full I put down the fork! I'm no longer living to eat, I'm eating to live. I have a new respect for food and what's it's intended for :)

Here are the changes I've noticed since I started drink Slim...

Decreased appetite  - I eat less than half of the portions I ate before

More energy -  no more 2pm naps or needing that Red bull or Rock star energy drink to keep me going

Sleeping better, no more tossing and turning waking up several times at night. 

Get full faster - when I'm done, I'm done!

I make healthier choices even though I still eat what I want, I've made some better choices and walked away from things I know I shouldn't have on a daily basis

I am pain FREE - my back and hip pain is gone, I'm able to exercise even stay on the treadmill up to an hour at a time.

I drink my Slim and take the accelerator around 10am every morning. I drink another Slim before my evening meal. I also take the ProBio5 to control the Candida Yeast and BioCleanse for a healthy digestive function, in the evening before bedtime.

How it all started

In September of 2011 I was browsing my news feed on Facebook when I ran across a post that caught my attention...a friend had posted that she lost 13lbs in 3 1/2 weeks drinking Plexus Slim. My first thought was she must have done some serious exercise but the post itself was enough to prompt me to ask HOW? After a few messages back and forth I set up a time to pick up a 3 day trial for myself. Sunday the family and I had plans to tailgate prior to the Saints game on September 18th so we woke up about 5am to get ready. I mixed the Slim powder in a bottle of water and was shocked at the awesome taste! I took the accelerator with it and then drank my morning coffee. We arrived downtown for the tailgating about 8:00am. I was extremely energized and pumped for my first tailgating experience!!! Knowing that I would be drinking some cold beverages that day, I decided to eat a little something before I indulged...well all I could do was take a bite of a powdered mini doughnut and a bite was all I could do! Wow, I wasn't even hungry. I started enjoying my beverages shortly after and this went on until the late hours of the afternoon when I finally realized it was time to get some food in my system lol. I ate a bowl of jambalaya. Later that evening after a couple hours nap we decided to go eat at our favorite Mexican restaurant. I drank my second Slim (was told to drink 2 a day with the amount of weight I wanted to lose), we ordered the usual chips and cheese dip and our entrees. After about 7-8 chips I was suddenly feeling really full. They brought out my food, I took one bite and asked them to box it up! Not only was I full but it just didn't taste as good as I remembered.

That night I went onto the Plexus website to learn more about the products and looked into the cost of a month supply. After doing some math, I decided to become an ambassador to purchase my products at whole sale since I would be drinking it twice a day. Not once did I think about selling the products after all, I really didn't believe it was going to work anyways but it was only $34.95 to join so what did I have to lose right???

I woke up the next morning and weighed in....after nearly a case of beer, I LOST A POUND! Yes I checked the scale 3 times to make sure it wasn't a mistake. Lol

I lost a pound a day for 11 days, no diet, no exercise just drinking PlexusSlim and taking the accelerator.